Direct Drive 2024-2025
Thank you to our entire McKechnie community: parents, teachers, students and staff that came together for the 2024-2025 Direct Drive and Spirit Week.
It is incredible to be part of a school with such a big heart!
100% of the funds donated go directly towards our school !!!
Direct Drive
Did you know that the Playground, Garden Boxes, Smartboards were mainly purchased with funds raised through Direct Drive donations? We count on all families to participate in this important fundraiser for McKechnie!
This year, the funds will be directed to new laptops, PE Equipment upgrades, Library furniture upgrades and more!
Help us reach our Goal:
This fundraiser is about community and teamwork! We are so thankful for any level of support that family is comfortable to give. Recognizing that some families may not be financially able to participate, if you are able to donate more than the average it is so appreciated so that we can reach our goal!
Direct Drive is October
Donate through Schoolcash Online
All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt
On behalf of our McKechnie Community, THANK YOU!

Support Your School
McKechnie PAC is committed to providing monetary support for both in-classroom reaching and online media equipment so that our children can receive the best education possible.
The Direct Drive campaign is held every fall. While more information comes home in October about this fundraiser, parents can make a donation at any point during the school year.
The McKechnie PAC has proudly contributed to initiatives like the playground, digital book subscriptions, new laptop computers and work stations, new gym equipment, musical instruments and more! It is incredible what a small and passionate community can do when we work together!
Donation is through SchoolCash Online.
Online Donations Instructions - Direct Drive
Click "Make a Donation" and then click "Fund Destination" and indicate "Dr. R.E. McKechnie PAC"
Direct Drive Donation Step by Step Guide

100% of the funds donated
goes directly towards our school !!!
We Reached our
Fundraising Goal for the
2023-2024 DIRECT DRIVE! $21,275
2022-2023 DIRECT DRIVE! $21,355
Thank you for all your generous contributions!